Contact Us Give us a Call 336-339-6845 Send an Email Fill out form below Your trusted Certified ProfessionalPet Sitter in Summerfield, NC Since 2018 Client Login Social Media Follow Read our Reviews FollowFollowFollow Form Full Name(Required)Address(Required)City/Zip(Required)Email(Required) Phone(Required)Are you in our Service Area or Extended Area?(Required) Yes, Service area: Summerfield within 4.9 miles of 5007 Myers Fork Rd in Summerfield, NC. Yes, Extended area: Summerfield, NC 27358 5+ miles, Oak Ridge, NC 27310 within 10 miles, Stokesdale, NC 27357 within 10 miles, and Limited North Greensboro (small sections of 27455 and 27410 only) No Have you seen our rates and would like to move forward?(Required) Yes Yes, but I have questions No You can view our rates here. List type(s) of pet(s), breeds, and number of pets.(Required)DOGS ONLY: Do you have a fenced in yard or are leashed walks needed?Does your pet have any history of biting or aggression. If so, please explain.(Required)Are any of your pets on medications? If so, please specify type, frequency, purpose, and how administered (oral, topical, injectable, etc.)(Required)What services are you looking for?(Required) Middays or potty breaks (weekly while you are at work) Vacation sitting (drop in visits when you are on vacation). We do not provide over nights.When do you need services to begin for middays or what are your dates for your upcoming trip?(Required)How did you find us?Car magnetsFacebookFellow Pet SitterGoogle SearchNW ObserverPost CardPrint AdX (Twitter)YahooOtherIf other, please explain:Optional message Δ